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Forfatter: Winner Capital Investment Limited

Winner Capital Investment Limited introduces to you a user friendly iPhone application which provides Gold Digital Options and Gold Margin Trading facilities and up-to-date market information. WinnerCap gives you the freedom to trade anywhere using your iPhone. Main features include:
• Trade real and demo accounts
• Real-time One Touch/No Touch Option, Binary Option and Gold Margin Trading
• Place, modify or cancel your stop and limit orders
• View open and closed positions as well as your account summary
• Live streaming chart with analytical tools to make quality trading decisions
• Real-time news and information of the financial markets in multi languages

凱成創富有限公司為iPhone用戶特設應用程式, 以iPhone簡約易用的戶動介面, 提供黃金固定收益期權丶黃金保證金交易服務及市場資訊。WinnerCap應用程式讓您可隨時隨地進行網上交易。主要功能包括:
• 登入真實或模擬帳戶進行交易
• 提供觸碰式/不觸碰式黃金期權丶二元式期權及黃金保證金交易的實時交易
• 設定丶更改或取消限價盤
• 查閱未平倉合約丶平倉合約及帳戶摘要
• 擁有多種分析工具的即時戶動圖表, 助您運籌帷幄
• 中英兼備的即時財經資訊, 讓您緊貼環球的市場脈搏

凯成创富有限公司为iPhone用户特设应用程式, 以iPhone简约易用的户动介面, 提供黄金固定收益期权丶黄金保证金交易服务及市场资讯。WinnerCap应用程式让您可随时随地进行网上交易。主要功能包括:
• 登入真实或模拟帐户进行交易
• 提供触碰式/不触碰式黄金期权丶二元式期权及黄金保证金交易的实时交易
• 设定丶更改或取消限价盘
• 查阅未平仓合约丶平仓合约及帐户摘要
• 拥有多种分析工具的即时户动图表, 助您运筹帷幄
• 中英兼备的即时财经资讯, 让您紧贴环球的市场脉搏